We live in a moment of
civilizational crisis and awakening

A Second Renaissance

From the old paradigm of modernity to a new paradigm of
interconnectedness, wisdom and inner growth, beyond capitalism

Our world shows signs of serious illness

We are witnessing an escalating series of interconnected crises – ecological, political, and social.

Our illness is serious; it might even be terminal. The systems of global civilization risk collapse, resulting in large-scale destruction of life.

Accurate diagnosis is vital

Treating the superficial symptoms won't be enough. We must address the underlying cause.

Foundational to civilization are shared views and values.

Like water to a fish, the views and values we live by are often invisible to us. Yet they shape our way of thinking and being, what we believe possible, what we prioritize and dismiss, what we consider "normal".

This breakdown originates in our cultural foundations

The symptoms that we are witnessing have roots in views and values shared at a cultural level: the paradigm of modernity.

Modern views and values are at the root of our crises

Modern views and values like individualism, progress, rationality, freedom and equality brought extraordinary material progress and advances in individual liberty.

However, these ideas now cast long shadows. Endless growth, materialism, techno-solutionism and addiction to certainty and control are driving global exploitation and destruction of nature, nihilism and loneliness, and an ever-widening wisdom gap.

Any solution must likewise go to the roots

We cannot address current crises through the logic and value systems that created and continue to drive them.

Any solution must be radical in the true sense of the word: they must go to the roots.

We need profound shifts in our ways of being, thinking, feeling, and acting: the emergence of a major new cultural paradigm that transcends modernity.

Cultural paradigms can and do evolve

Views and values can change. The deep stories that shape civilization have evolved throughout history. New paradigms can emerge transcending old ideas and offering responses to the problems and limitations of the old world.

A new, regenerative paradigm is needed

Modern materialism has reduced complex life to a sum of parts and deprioritised the human inner world, leading to breakdown. A liveable future will demand a new paradigm rooted in understanding of the whole.

Something is emerging

Much is yet to emerge. But what kind of views and values might underpin a wiser, weller, world?

New ways of being, thinking and acting

» Inner growth
inner growth prioritized over material growth with a recognition of our potential to consciously evolve personally and collectively in multiple dimensions: to wake up, grow up, clean up, and show up.
» Wisdom
A renewed cultivation of wisdom based in a recognition of the limits (and value) of reason, of the importance of the whole, and the value of a long term that includes all of the living.
» Interbeing
Seeing clearly our profoundly interdependent relationship to each other and the planet in way that is regenerative, ecological and connecting.
» Spirituality
Going beyond secularity to reintegrate spirituality and religion into collective life.
» Beyond capitalism
A new economic system beyond capitalism and socialism, grounded in new ways to assess value.

It's already happening

A paradigm shift is possible - and is already starting to happen.

An ecosystem is emerging; of individuals and organizations, bonded by a shared recognition of this historical moment, and a calling to respond.


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