Art of the second renaissance

We are an artists collective making art to bring forth a second renaissance.

Art as a catalyst for transformation

Art is an expression of our consciousness and humanity, from the prehistoric cave paintings to the graffiti in the streets of our towns, art has always been a gateway to transformation.

Impermanence: our first theme

Each year we curate an exhibition and a magazine to share with the world the artistic embodiment of transformation for a Second Renaissance. Our latest exhibition is on the theme of Impermanence and took place in Thénac France in April 2024.

See the exhibition and magazine

Art of the

Manifesto & Essay

Seeking an artistic tribe for an emerging cultural paradigm.

Marrying the artistic, political and spiritual world.


The philosophy behind

We have written a manifesto and essay to explain in more detail the philosophy behind the Art of the Second Renaissance. This is in the context of forming an art collective for the emerging cultural paradigm, which marries the artistic, political and spiritual world.

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We are a collective of artists making art to bring forth the second renaissance.

We are alchemists
We create a new world through our work.
We are the bridge between the dying past and the future unborn.

Art is an expression of our consciousness and humanity, this is our path of transformation. Life as an art.

So what will be an Art for the Second Renaissance? It is the dawn, calling us to value interbeingness, awakening, wisdom and inner-evolution. Because we believe and witness that there is an innate calling in life to be deeply and truly free. A freedom which includes and transcends the freedom to have, to feel and to think. A freedom to be and become. It is a Liberation.

That this life movement can not be repressed by fear, war, terror, death, dictatorship. That our ability to understand, love, care and contribute is an expression of our intuitive knowledge of the truth of our interbeingness. By doing so we become the author of tomorrow's future and the priests to the dying past.

  • Our work is to create a space to be with all of it. To be with the joy, the darkness, the hope, the sadness, the unknown.
  • Our work is to inquire about what would a world that works for everyone look like?
  • What would be asked of us to let go and develop for this to be fulfilled?
  • Our work is a practice to inquire about the nature of reality.
  • Our work is mystical, political, spiritual, religious and artistic.
  • Our work inquires about the good through community.
  • Our work expresses beauty through art.
  • Our work inquires about the truth through the practice of wisdom.
  • Our work is grounded in practice.
  • Our work stands to liberate ourselves from nihilism and relativism.
  • Our work stands to go beyond the limitation of the superiority, equality and inferiority complex.
  • Our work embraces ethics.
  • Our work looks for the middle way in the Buddhist sense, not as a pursuit of the ‘average’
  • Our work explores impermanence and eternity.
  • Our work is a practice of the power authenticity with oneself.
  • Our work is a demonstration of the power of vulnerability.
  • Our work is a practice of being with our cognitive dissonance.
  • Our work is expressed and unapologetic
  • Our work is understanding and compassionate.
  • Our work is a practice of non-self and interbeingness.
  • Our work is contemplative and activist at the same time.
  • Our work is a practice of liberation.
  • Our work is life as an art.
  • Our work is ritualistic.
  • Our work is the practice of equanimity.
  • Our work touches the ultimate dimension and links it to the relative world.
  • Our work are prayers.
  • Our work is an embrace to the earth and mother nature.
