We are taken through the intention behind the exhibition curated by Life Itself co-founder and artist Sylvie Barbier. She shares the importance of spiritual practice in this time of uncertainty through the art of sitting with impermanence.
Grim Reaper - with Luc Warring
Luc Waring share his relationship with death from his mindfulness practice through a series of paintings of the Grim Reaper.
I give you my word - with Paz Perlman
Paz Perlman shares their story and meaning behind the art work "I give you my word" which was part of the Art of Impermanence exhibition.
I am of the nature to die - with Sylvie Barbier
Sylvie Barbier here shares her journey of navigating grief and peace with the coexistence of the death of her father and her coming child, which inspired the theme of the exhibition on impermanence.
Metamorphosis - with Paul Tingen
Paul Tingen shares the relationship between his music and the Buddhist teaching around impermanence.
Nothing will ever stop the music - with Max Pugh
Max Pugh shares about his contemplation of impermanence through his video installation work "Nothing will ever stop the music" made in 2022 after the pandemic.
Cosmic Birth- by Sylvie Barbier
This performance is the first act of Metamorphosis a transformative opera by Sylvie Barbier.
Phoenix - by Sylvie Barbier
The artist went to record the damages of a wild fire which took place in France. She contrasts the destruction with the innocence of her two year old son. The fire is a direct reminder of the impermanent nature of life