If you would like to submitt your work for the Mythos issue. Below are the guidlines and the link to the application form. DEADLINE 15 JUNE 2025

Here is the guideline for the submission, as  we would love to receive submissions from you for our second issue on Mythos in relation to the Art of Second Renaissance Essay . You can submit your work in the form of artworks, photos, images, illustration, drawings, photographs of installations, rituals, performances, poems, stories, practices, prayers, essays and longer feature articles (500-1200 words). Submission deadline is on the 15th of June 2025.


The choice of the theme Mythos for our second issue is a desire to explore how myths can help us bring forward a Second Renaissance. Myths are traditional narratives that explain natural phenomena, cultural beliefs, or divine origins. They typically feature supernatural beings, gods, or heroes. Serve to explain fundamental aspects of the world or human nature. Hold cultural or religious significance, they therefore hold immense power over us, because human beings live by stories as they shape our understanding of human nature and influence what we believe is possible and what we should pursue. This makes myths an essential tool for societal transformation. There are therefore 3 reasons why we chose Mythos for the Second Renaissance Magazine.

1. Exploring existing myths

Myths are especially powerful when we're unaware of them. Because they own us instead of us owning them. There were myths that were already present in my life, and I was unaware of how deep their influence was. They defined how I related to myself as a woman, mother, wife and daughter, they owned me rather than me owning them. By consciously choosing to rediscover them, I could use them as guides rather than being unconsciously controlled by them. So several years ago I explored some key female myths such as Psyche, Eve, Marie, Thétis, Persephone. In becoming aware of their power I could then use them to guide my life, choose which part I kept and which part I wanted to disregard.

2. R(e)-editing existing myths

A second dimension to the choice of Mythos is also acknowledging the limits of old myths and the need to update them. My mother who is a Christian also said to me we should edit the Bible for some verses that were homophobic. This opens a deep question: what part of a sacred book is sacred? What is in it's essence (and therefore we shouldn't touch it) or is it because it is sacred that we need to revise it as we see blindspots of the old generation. Yet we risk removing something important due to our own blindspot?

3. New myths

Finally Mythos is also the need to create new myths, new stories that open a new dimension to what it means to be human beings. Or at least an attemps to it.The story we tell our children and ourselves define greatly the future, because they create our morals, what is good, what should be pursue. What would be stories that would open up a window into a wiser, weller reality for all living beings?

We need a new exploration to our relationship to myth to help us envision a new paradigm — a Second Renaissance.

Submission deadline is on the 15th of June 2025.